var links = new Array(); var categories = new Array(); var searchFilter = "Any"; function init() { initLinks(); buildCategoryArray(); selectHeight = categories.length + 1; links.sort(); drawSelect(); buildCategoryList(); } function initLinks() { // name, link, category links[0] = new Array("Fark","","News"); links[1] = new Array("Centricle","","Friends"); links[2] = new Array("Slayeroffice","","Friends"); links[3] = new Array("BBspot","","Satire"); links[4] = new Array("GameSpot","","Gaming"); links[5] = new Array("The Onion","","Satire"); links[6] = new Array("","","Gaming"); links[7] = new Array("TheWebMachine","","Web Design and Development"); links[8] = new Array("KVIII","","Friends"); links[9] = new Array("A List Apart","","Web Design and Development"); links[10] = new Array("Red vs. Blue","","Entertainment"); links[11] = new Array("Satirewire","","Satire"); links[12] = new Array("Caster's Realm","","Gaming"); links[13] = new Array("Linux Online","","Computers"); links[14] = new Array("Dev Edge","","Web Design and Development"); links[15] = new Array("Tech TV","","Entertainment"); links[16] = new Array("Brain Jar","","Web Design and Development"); links[17] = new Array("Webmonkey","","Web Design and Development"); links[18] = new Array("","","Web Design and Development"); links[19] = new Array("","","Web Design and Development"); links[20] = new Array("Bioware","","Gaming"); links[21] = new Array("Adobe","","Web Design and Development"); links[22] = new Array("AO Basher","","Gaming"); links[23] = new Array("SWG","","Gaming"); links[24] = new Array("Brutal News","","News"); links[25] = new Array("AOLserver","","Web Design and Development"); links[26] = new Array("","","Web Design and Development"); links[27] = new Array("","","Web Design and Development"); links[28] = new Array("MSDN","","Web Design and Development"); links[29] = new Array("Java Boutique","","Web Design and Development"); links[30] = new Array("EQ Vault","","Gaming"); links[31] = new Array("Google","","Search Engines"); links[32] = new Array("Alta Vista","","Search Engines"); links[33] = new Array("Hotbot","","Search Engines"); links[34] = new Array("Ask Jeeves","","Search Engines"); links[35] = new Array("CNN","","News"); links[36] = new Array("MSNBC","","News"); links[37] = new Array("Washington Post","","News"); links[38] = new Array("New York Times","","News"); links[39] = new Array("AOL","","Online Services"); links[40] = new Array("MSN","","Online Services"); links[41] = new Array("Earthlink","","Online Services"); links[42] = new Array("Compuserve","","Online Services"); links[43] = new Array("MSIE","","Browsers"); links[44] = new Array("Mozilla","","Browsers"); links[45] = new Array("Opera","","Browsers"); links[46] = new Array("Netscape","","Browsers"); links[47] = new Array("Safari","","Browsers"); links[48] = new Array("Konquerer","","Browsers"); links[49] = new Array("Lynx","","Browsers"); } function drawSelect() { mHTML = "<select name=\"lists\" class=\"sel\" size=" + selectHeight + ">"; for(i=0;i<links.length;i++) { if(searchFilter == "Any") { mHTML+="<option title=\"test\" value=\"" + links[i][1] + "\">" + links[i][0] + "</option>"; } else { if(links[i][2] == searchFilter)mHTML+="<option value=\"" + links[i][1] + "\">" + links[i][0] + "</option>"; } } mHTML+="</select>"; document.getElementById("mContainer").innerHTML = mHTML; } function narrowList(searchString) { resultsFound = 0; searchString = searchString.toLowerCase(); mHTML = "<select size=" + selectHeight + " class=\"sel\" name=\"lists\">"; found=false; partialStringMatching = document.forms[0].psm.checked; for(i=0;i<links.length;i++) { zLink = links[i][0].toLowerCase(); if((partialStringMatching && zLink.indexOf(searchString)>-1) || (zLink.indexOf(searchString) == 0 && (links[i][2] == searchFilter || searchFilter == "Any"))) { found=true; resultsFound++; mHTML+="<option value=\"" + links[i][1] + "\">" + links[i][0] + "</option>"; } } mHTML+="</select>"; if(found)document.getElementById("mContainer").innerHTML = mHTML showResults(resultsFound,searchString); } function showResults(zResultsFound,zSearchString) { zHTML = ""; zHTML += "<b>" + zResultsFound + "</b> results found"; if(zSearchString != "") zHTML += " for search term <b>" + zSearchString + "</b>"; zHTML += " in category <b>" + searchFilter + "</b>"; if(zResultsFound==0) zHTML+=" so listing what was found."; document.getElementById("mResults").innerHTML = zHTML; } function buildCategoryArray() { for(i=0;i<links.length;i++)if(!existsInArray(categories,links[i][2])) categories[categories.length] = links[i][2]; categories.sort(); } function buildCategoryList() { zHTML = "<select size=" + selectHeight + " name=\"cats\" class=\"sel\" onClick=\"handleCategoryClick(this.value);\">"; zHTML += "<option value=\"Any\">Any</option>"; for(i=0;i<categories.length;i++) zHTML+="<option value=\"" +categories[i] + "\">" + categories[i] + "</option>"; zHTML+= "</select>"; document.getElementById("nContainer").innerHTML = zHTML; } function existsInArray(arrayToCheck,valueToCheck) { for(z=0;z<arrayToCheck.length;z++)if(arrayToCheck[z] == valueToCheck) { return true; break; } return false; } function handleCategoryClick(sValue) { searchFilter = sValue; drawSelect(); narrowList(document.forms[0].searchText.value); } function handleClear() { document.forms[0].searchText.value=""; narrowList(""); } function handleGoClick() { if(document.forms[0].lists.value)location.href = document.forms[0].lists.value; }
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Categorized & Searchable List Boxes v1.1 Last revision: 02.05.2004 |